We support heroes with the passion to transform their communities

Marea Alta – El Salvador | Costa Del Sol: Centro de Desarrollo Marea Alta is an After School Center/Development Center that supplements the poor public education found in most schools in El Salvador.

Just Water – Isla Cordoncillo, El Salvador: Home to 270 people, 160 of which are young children. The men on the island are primarily artisan fishermen who fish to feed their families. The island is completely without services such as electricity, clean fresh water, sewage and garbage disposal, health care, etc. Clean water is one of the most basic needs for human beings. The island has ground water but it is not safe to drink due to the lack of proper sewage disposal, salt water intrusion, and other pollution sources. Now, families must take plastic containers across the estuary by canoe to purchase clean water. The primary goal is to provide access to safe drinking water.

Zihuatanejo International Guitar Festival – Zihuatanejo | Mexico: A nonprofit association that is dedicated to creating an international world class event, bring first rate musicians and appreciative audiences from across the globe, generate tourism and raise cultural awareness within the community while raising money for art and cultural endeavors in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. Founded in 2004, the festival has grown every year in prestige, talent and size. ZIGF is truly a community festival and we rely heavily on support from our audience, our community, and the musicians themselves, who donate their time and talent. The operations of the festival are carried out by a volunteer organizing committee and dedicated community volunteers in the weeks leading up to and during the festival. Individuals and businesses donate funds, meals, airfare, ground transportation, accommodations, audio/visual services and more, making this a genuine community celebration.

Por Los Ninos – Southern Mexico: A charitable organization devoted to the assistance of disadvantaged children in southern Mexico. Many children in Mexico are not fortunate enough to attend school. Many that are able to get an education do so in very primative conditions. A clean environment and things as simple as pencils are luxuries that Por Los Niños works to remedy.

Sailfest – Zihuatanejo Mexico: One of Mexico’s premier annual sailing events. A six-day festival in February that combines fun and games, heart-felt volunteerism and an outpouring of international friendship. Although the tone of the event is light-hearted, the cruisers’ and landfolks’ goals are serious…. TO RAISE FUNDS FOR THE EDUCTION OF ZIHUATANEJO’S POOREST CHILDREN. Fun Rally, Boat Parades, Concerts, Dances, Auctions, Chili cook-off, Street fair, School tours and so much more, make this a wonderful event.

Seeds of Hope – Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala | Central America: Seeds of Hope International provides an after-school educational program to at-risk youth in El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua. The mission of Seeds of Hope is to prevent the detrimental effects of living in poverty such as sexual exploitation/trafficking, drug and alcohol addiction, gang violence, and dropping out of school. The Seeds of Hope curriculum includes transformative classes that empower the youth to transcend their circumstances and make a difference in their communities.