Across the globe, we are united in our dedication to increasing kindness
Our Story: Two MBAs, with over 30 years of combined business experience, choosing to step away from successful careers to pursue greater purpose by developing a nonprofit called “Compass for Kindness.” Britt is a CFP® and CAP® and most recently held a position at 1st Global as a Wealth Management Consultant for the last 5 years. Matt is a Management Consultant most recently at a major global firm working in finance process improvement and change management, helping his clients achieve greater efficiencies across various industries for the last 8 years. We currently live on a 41’ sailboat discovering opportunities throughout Mexico and Central America. We are a married couple, committed to each other and committed to this purpose.
We DISCOVER, GUIDE, and EMPOWER kindness in communities where human needs are unmet.
— Our Mission
Our mission is to be a “compass for kindness.” To discover communities where basic human needs are unmet and to guide donors to these opportunities. To direct funds in a manner that empowers local efforts and leaders that are seeking to improve these communities.
— Our Vision
We envision a healthy, productive, and vibrant world where basic human needs are met and talented and inspired local leaders are empowered to cultivate their communities. Core to this is a need to debunk the illusion of a divided world and to inspire action. As we increase our awareness, we realize that we are all intricately connected to the same story, that people are not so different, that we all have basic human needs. We believe in the inherent goodness of people and that we share a social and moral responsibility to take care of one another and the planet we inhabit.
— How We Do It
Discover: Our unique value proposition is in our ability to travel to and submerge ourselves in these small communities; in witnessing firsthand stories of a community’s effort to meet basic human needs, like food, clean water, shelter, health and education. Stories that otherwise may never be shared, leaving needs unmet. And by supporting already existing efforts within the local community, we maximize successful integration and minimize overlapping efforts.
Guide: We strive to be a “compass for kindness”, guiding others not only to the need, but to the love and goodness we witness as we travel to communities throughout Mexico and Central America. We offer a unique lens to inspire donors as well as local community leaders to increase awareness and lean in, to connect, to act, to become a part of the story. To bear witness to the reflections of kindness, of the inherent goodness of people, of love, of God, of self.
Empower: We see that change needs to occur and we feel called to be a catalyst. We share funding from our donors with pre-vetted existing community initiatives to maximize success. We also personally participate as much as possible and have found that our belief and encouragement can inspire far beyond the power of money. We share these stories of need and kindness to garner support for these endeavors and to create opportunities for everyone to be a part of the story. The story of us. The story of our connected world.

The cruising community has more heart than just about any community we have ever seen, but they often do not know how to get involved at a local level.

We see education as a great catalyst for empowerment in peoples’ lives and believe in equal access to knowledge for all.

Clean water is an afterthought to so many of us, but you would be surprised how many communities continue to struggle.

We believe in equal access for basic and urgent healthcare services for all.

A child’s environment is fundamental to the person they become. We support safe environments for children to be themselves and grow.

We cannot help everyone, but we seek opportunities to help those we can. Just a $200 scholarship can change the course of a young adult’s life.